Today I considered the possibility that I during the night, I had fallen in some kind of wormhole that transported me into another dimension or timeframe. I was in the city, minding my own business, when this woman sat down on a bench across of me. Not only was she wearing a indigo jeans jacket with light blue jeans pants, but her hair was cut in a semi-short bob with blond mèches in it. For I minute there I thought I was in the nineties. It was horrible. I mean, I heard of temporal regression of the fashion sense in the suburbs (meaning that in the suburbs, people are behind in time when it comes to fashion or even going backwards) , but this was like an episode of Twilight Zone. I looked around and discovered a Johnny Depp alias Jack Sparrow poster, which told me I was still in the 21st century.I can tell you, it was a relief. I'm not sure if I could have handled living in the nineties again.
Still entagled in the thoughts about the fashion crimes of the nineties, a pair of dying pants walked by me.(Of course they didn't walk all by themselves, a woman was wearing them). They were cut and bruised all over. There were places where the jeans had been meanly sliced, and places where someone had made the colour go away by rubbung them against a rough surface. Again and again they had been soaked into poisonous liquids, that robbed them of their once so royal blue.
I knew who had done that, because the sicko who was responsible had written his name on the victim in big letters: Armani. What kind of a sick person does that to a pair of jeans? I know, there are a lot of them out there, who do this to innocent jeans every day. But ask yourself, how sick do you have to be to
pay for that? And not a little sum. No, you pay for an artwork there. The loon who does that sees himself as an artist, and art has it's price.
Those jeans are marked for life, living with scars that will never let them forget. Every day, they have to fight, they have to be strong, because if they aren't, they will die. They will burn.
I admire them for their strenght, and curse the wrongdoers who commited those horrible crimes.