Thursday, February 08, 2007
Right know I hope I can make you smile...
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal."
- Oscar Wilde
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you."
- Oscar Wilde
"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to."
- Dorothy Parker
"Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place."
- Billy Cristall
"I know nothing about sex because was always married"
- Zsa Zsa Gabor
"Well, evil just compounds evil, doesn't it? First, I'm sentenced to a computer tutorial on Saturday. Now I have to read some computer book. There are books on computers? Isn't the point of computers to replace books?"
- Cordelia
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Tissue Schmissue Issue

I think science is wonderful. It means that man is trying to understand the world around him. Sometimes I even ask myself how a human being can survive without knowing how everything around him works. We live in this world - shouldn't it be our priority in life to understand it?
This week all the 10th and 11th graders have to work in groups on scientific/medical topics. MY group has the to work on the topic "Tissue Engineering". It's a method with which you can make organs grow artificially. It sounds very sci-fi-ish, but believe you me, it ain't. Because we don't look at mice with ears on their back or people whose kidney has been grown outside of their body. No. We get to read boring papers and ask boring questions about boring things.
The only entertaining thing is the bickering of my co-pseudo-scienteers(who are all women). I hate group projects. I really really do. I always end up doing all the work. This time, I kinda sat back and enjoyed the show. Everybody wants to take charge. So I don't have to. Yey!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Lame Rocks
Heroes (TV show)
Random (or maybe not) people are discovering newly gained powers. They do not know each other, but soon their paths cross. Their destinies are linked. But how? That's just what they want to find out...

Just amazing. Makes you want super powers like the ability to fly, or walk through walls etc...The storyline(s) is intriguing and the actors are just perfect. The development of the whole thing and of the characters is actually believable. Believe me when I say that it is very much worth watching!
A lot of sex and violence, which conveys the watcher the ambiance of the time and place. It’s thrilling and works you over.
Spartan (novel)
The story unfolds around two brothers, two sons of a Spartan family. One has a lame foot and is abandoned by his father who is forced to do so by Spartan law. He is found by a shepherd who belongs to the race of the Helots, once proud people who have been enslaved by the Spartans. He grows up to be a warrior himself, even though he is never told of his true provenience. The other becomes a proud warrior of
This tale takes you on a historical and emotional journey. Not only does the author create scenery that sends you back time, but he lets room for interpretation and keeps enthralling you with an epic plot. Plus, this story incites one’s interest history. You might even learn something…