Emily Strange is one of those concepts that I suppose are created for people with the need to set themselves appart from the crowd. You want to show you're different, and weird, and that you probably are a lot deeper than others. You probably are. But what happens, with those cute little concepts, is horrible. Like Jack the King of Halloween from "Nightmare before Christmas", they are abused. Some people, who think it's neat, buy it cause it goes real well with that outfit they bought (and because the cool chick from the other class has one too). So the whole point (there we go again) is kinda lost.
Well, if you really think most people are followers and don't really know why they say, think and wear the things they say, think and wear, then you shouldn't really be offended by the abuse of weirdness and geekyness, but in the end you are, cause even though you don't care what other people think about you, doesn't it piss you off that you could be taken for some stupid chick who doesn't even know who the *&%? the skeleton guy on her bag is?