Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do? I mean, right now, I am wondering, why exactly i am wasting my time writting something probably nobody will read. But I'm talking about things like working, or learning something, going to school. We need to get a good education if we ever want to be worth something. And being worth something means having a job, which we are successful at, meaning it makes money. Or at least, if it's not the money, it should be meaningful. And maybe a family, that loves us, a few kids, a house...But what's the point in that? It doesn't mean anything in the end. You're just another being that lives and dies, in this gigantic circle of life. So, let's say, you go and you learn. You try to achieve as much knowledge as you can. You try to get wise. What then? Do you write books? Do you start a sect, where you teach your followers all about the things you have learned? Or do you just sit there and smile, knowing that you know more than the others and that they are all ignorant. Seems very pointless. The other possibility seems to have sex involved and a dog or a cat. What other ways are there...? You could try to do something important. You could try to change the world, to make it better, to be strong and fight all the injustice in the world and the creeps, who don't give a damn about nature, other humans or anything that doesn't seem profitable. At least that sounds like it has a point.
Although, if you believe in something greater, that created us and that lets us be as we are, meaning, on one side distructive but on the other side capable to great emotions, there must be a point in being just a "little (wo)man". There must be a point recreating and loving and feeling and then dying. And there always is a point in learning, right? Maybe not a cosmical point, but a I-burned-my-hand-so-now-I-know-fire-is-bad kinda point. They tell us you make mistakes to learn from them. Maybe the point of life is making mistakes. Hmm.
1 comment:
The point is to find someone, anyone, to connect with. To understand and to be understood, to listen and to share. Someone to bare witness to exactly who you are and who you were at any given point. Someone to get a glimpse of what it's like to be you, with all your emotions and fears and doubts and aspirations and beliefs. Should you find that person, for god's sake hold on to them, for who knows how many there are, or if you will chance to find them.
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