(...that you're about to learn something?
I think that besides reading this really philosophical stuff here, you should also be learning something. That's why once in a while I'm gonna give you some (maybe not very helpful but) interesting information about this nice little place I like to call earth and those nasty creatures living in it called humans.
Maybe one day, it will help you. Sooo: whenever you see that title (up there, do you see it?), you know that something really interesting is about to be burned into your brain. )
Did yo know that every fifth person speaks Chinese?

Linguists aren't sure whether to describe the varieties of Chinese as "dialects" or "languages". The most populous is Mandarin (~800 million), followed by Wu (~80 million) and Cantonese (~90 million). Depending on the classification scheme, there are between six and twelve main regional groups of Chinese. Standard Mandarin, based on the Beijing dialect, is the official language of the Republic of China and one of four official languages of Singapore (together with Malay, Tamil and English). Standard Cantonese is one of the official languages of Hong Kong (together with English) and together with Portuguese the official language of Macau.
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