Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Covenant

Four really hot guys have powers. Or rather, THE POWER. They're warlocks, witches, whatever and are the descendents of the founding fathers of Ipswich, therefore called the Sons of Ipswich. Problem N°1: The Power is addicitv and wears your body down, so they have to be careful. Problemo N°2: The 5th Son of Ipswich has returned, to avenge his ancestors who were kicked out of the Covenant for...I don't know why. Of course there is a chick. A nice one, too. So the battle begins...

For women: These guys are really cute and very well-built. And you get to see (almost) everything of the sweetness.
For men: The chick has a shower scene! Plus, she lives in a dorm with her friend and they are mostly walking around in their really small pajamas.
For all: Nice fight scenes, a lot of eye candy (apart from the cuties) and a moderately intelligent storyline There are a lot of spiders, though. All in all really not bad, the only problem is that you could do the same in an average "Buffy" episode. But if you can, do watch it, just for the immense amount of half-nakedness.

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