The educated teenage girl has seen "Sex and the City" and knows what expects a woman in the world of relationships in her mid-thirties - thanks to Carrie Bradshaw and co. Now, even though our thirties lye way ahead of us, we wouldn't have expected to be faced with the same dilemma than the four fabulous women: When the hell are we supposed to have children? Do we want to get married one day? Are our parents' values worth anything in the world of tomorrow?
Regarding question number one: Let's say I want to go to a university and then have a job I actually like. I will probably want to get somewhere with what I do and have a better than reasonable salary. Someday I'll want to travel the world. Am I going to have Junior between studying and my great job? Will I be a working mum? Or do I want to have my baby after I got the Oscar for Best Director? Wait, I'd have to win it before I'm forty, because that biological clock doesn't stop ticking my friend. And hey, when am I going to find the partner who will play the other major role in the process of procreation? Timing...
Problem number two is, that we don't really know what marriage is supposed to do for us anyway. For some marrying might just be a sign of true commitment from their men. But what's that worth when divorce is man's emergency brake? Or is marriage what you do when you want to have kids? That's not really a problem nowadays, except maybe in places where the no-pre-marital-sex thing is still very in. I guess every person has to find the meaning of matrimony by/for himself...

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