I feel like peppermint today. I feel Pulp-Foction-y. I feel totally cranked up. It's like someone turned up the volume inside my head. Overflow of emotions, not really happy ones, but intense ones. Ever feel like that? I felt like the pure essence of my being was on display today. Problem, though, cause do you want people to know who you really are? (Actually, all this emotional high-rolling, kind of leads you to the experience of so called Golden Moments. Know what I mean? No, not those, the others, the intellectual ones!) Well, not everyone, right? Lovers, friends, confidantes, but random people who are part of the stream of conscious beings that pass by you but whom you don't know? Do I want to reveal my true nature to them? Where would the mystery go? The essence of femininity IS mystery, that we all know...
Well, please don't mind my mindless rambling, only the result of to much vine with dinner...But those who read this, and know that I mean them in only an instant: I love you. Have a wonderful week, be a bit emotional, it's fun (mostly).