I am very much like programmable soda sometimes. But one constant in my life is Tori Amos. I've been listening her latest album (American Doll Posse) like all the time the last week (got it for ma b-day). It's amazing. She does this Sibyll thing where she has like five different personalities: Tori, Pip, Isabel, Clyde and Santa. They all have their quirks and ways, and their songs always have a certain groove. You can feel the personalities of the women through their songs, which of course is the whole point. What truly amazes me is that she uses the weirdest and most fitting metaphors to express her feelings about everyday questions and problems. Of course, every singer slash songwriter who goes beyond the "I love you/ You don't love me/God, I'm so very sad" routine, is refreshing, but the woman can paint a picture with words and melodies that are sometimes more alive than the real world outside. I've seen that woman live on stage twice now, and both times I've felt more alive and more like myself than before. I think everyone who has an interest in music that is not restricted to the radio or mainstream "otherworldly special" trash like those hundreds of thousands of Indie bands, takes some interest in the opus magnus of Tori Amos.
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