Saturday, December 30, 2006
New Year
Happy New Year
Friday, December 08, 2006
Did You Know...

...that the Brookly Bridge was the largest supsension bridge
connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn.
It cost $15.1 million to build and 27 people died building it. The characteristic pointed arches are typical for the Gothic style. There was a rumor that the bridge would collapse on May 30, 1883, three weeks after it's opening. In 2006 a cache was discovered, which was suspected to be a remnant from the Cold War.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Did You Know...
(...that you're about to learn something?
I think that besides reading this really philosophical stuff here, you should also be learning something. That's why once in a while I'm gonna give you some (maybe not very helpful but) interesting information about this nice little place I like to call earth and those nasty creatures living in it called humans.
Maybe one day, it will help you. Sooo: whenever you see that title (up there, do you see it?), you know that something really interesting is about to be burned into your brain. )
Did yo know that every fifth person speaks Chinese?

Linguists aren't sure whether to describe the varieties of Chinese as "dialects" or "languages". The most populous is Mandarin (~800 million), followed by Wu (~80 million) and Cantonese (~90 million). Depending on the classification scheme, there are between six and twelve main regional groups of Chinese. Standard Mandarin, based on the Beijing dialect, is the official language of the Republic of China and one of four official languages of Singapore (together with Malay, Tamil and English). Standard Cantonese is one of the official languages of Hong Kong (together with English) and together with Portuguese the official language of Macau.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Line Rider
It's totally awsome and funny. Make the little man fly. Check it out.
Luv, moi
Saturday, October 28, 2006

What do you know 'bout Halloween?
I can tell you this: Originally, Halloween was a Pagan holliday of the celts. Samhain (pronounciation: sowen) is the equal of New Year. It's about leaving bad habits and stuff behind and moving on to a better year (I could go all New Agy and Wiccan on you, but I'll be nice enough to spare you). It normally takes place between the 10/31 and the 11/1. The Christians have transformed it into All Hallows Eve which is on the 10/31 and All Saints Day and All Souls Day, which take place on the 11/1. Those are the days when we pray to the dead and remember them (compare: El Dia de los Muertos in Mexico on the 2nd of Nov.).

So, now you know.Let's never forget about the sweets, though. I think that's really important to.
I hope you'll have a really nice holliday, whatever you wanna call it.
Luv, moi
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I turn my head and you stand still,
I turn it again and you go forth,
With crooked teeth I smile at you.
What am I?
If you keep me you have me,
If you give me away, I cease to be.
What am I?
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Cold or Furry

I know, everyone of you must have asked him/herself this really important question: if you could choose, what would you rather be, a werewolf or a vamp? It's a really difficult question, I know...
Maybe I should list all the cons and pros, so you can make a really rational decision. So, here we go.
pro: You get to be a really big wolf
con: You might try to eat your relatives
pro: Depending on what books you read, you might know that as a werewolf you get to be in a pack, which means that there is a lot of bonding going on and the relationships to your fellow werewolves are really deep (so you're very sociable)
con: You might be a little bit bad tempered sometimes, but hey, everyone had his moods...
pro: You are really hard to kill
con: For some reason people think that being a werewolf makes you a good target for major killing
pro: You can change from animal to human (again depending on the book or movie, your ability to change depends on moon cycles and stuff like that)
pro: You're really strong (like bench-press-a-car strong)
con: You need to drink blood (now, I'm not a great fan of the metallic taste, but I suppose that changes when one becomes a vamp)
pro: You get to b really cool
con/pro: You need to stay out of sunlight
pro: You're really hard to kill
con: Getting dinner is always connected to stalking and hunting
pro: You don't age
con: You can't eat chocolate ice cream anymore
pro: Somehow vampires always get to have a lot of sex
con: People try to kill you
pro: Easy to accessorize nowadays
con: Fetish fashion is so out
pro: Ever seen a fat vamp? Whatever they were before, they always turn into Calvin Klein underwear models
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
So tired
Hundreds of people passed me by, entangled in their own thoughts, not minding anyone around them. After half an hour in the crowd, my eyes burned with tiredness. I could barely keep them open. I couldn't focus. (And now I have an exam.) Crowds are tireeeeeeedddd
Saturday, September 30, 2006
With Fall I Rise
But to me, it´s grey clouds, the days of rain and the dying leaves are a joy.
There is nothing I love more than walking under those darkening clouds, having a cold wind dancing around me and reminding me of past times.
Mostly smiling, I wander the city, thinking an wondering, what is to come. The passion for this season I try to share, although I rarely have success.
It is the time I cherish lonelyness and listen to the music of raindrops and falling leaves, the time death and silence are friends of my thoughts.
Do never let Gaia´s humors bother you, let the thoughts and feelings they awaken in your deepest sink in, and cherish...
Guns n Vamps

I have this thing for vampire stories...I don´t know why exactly, maybe because they are so much simpler than normal human stuff (to bite or not to bite), or maybe because it´s even more complicated (It´s our wedding, did you have to eat the priest?)...
Anyway, some of the best stuff I´ve read is Laurell K. Hamilton´s Anita Blake novels.
Anity Blake is this petite lady who lives in a St.Louis where it´s normal that vampires have their own bars and who likes to shoot first and ask questions later (mostly). But the really cool part is that it is really about all the charming vampires and werewolves she meets, who - of course - are all in love with her. So, you have the blood splattering, zombie fighting, monster hunting part and the romantic, oh-we-can´t-cause-you´re-the-bad-guy part.
I really recommend it to all vamp-lovers. Here are a few quotes so you get the why...
"Paranoia is just another word for longevity."
"Jesus, are all vampiresover two hundred perverts?"
"I am over two hundred," Jean-Claude said.
"I rest my case."
"There are only two kinds of vampire hunters: good ones and dead ones."
"Polly isn't it? I have been on my feet for over thirteen hours. If you do not put Richard on the phone right now, I am going to come down there personally and bust your ass. Am I making myself clear?"
.... I spent the next fifteen minutes convincing a crying werewolf that I wasn't going to hurt her. My life was getting too strange even for me.
Being funny...again
- Oscar Wilde
"The Irish gave the bagpipes to the Scotts as a joke, but the Scotts haven't seen the joke yet."
- Oliver Herford
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal."
- Oscar Wilde
"On the one hand, we'll never experience childbirth. On the other hand, we can open all our own jars."
- Bruce Willis
"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes."
- Oscar Wilde
"A guy is a lump like a doughnut. So, first you gotta get rid of all the stuff his mom did to him. And then you gotta get rid of all that macho crap that they pick up from beer commercials. And then there's my personal favorite, the male ego."
- Roseanne Barr
You want more, you can have it...
Friday, September 15, 2006
The Price of Beauty

Is it normal to sit in front of a mirror and practice the movement of your lips? Or how you move your hands while talking? Sure, if your an actor, it is actually necessary. But, what if your just that average person, who goes to school or to work or whatever the heck you do? Are you playing a role? Does reality become a play to you?
Those question cross my mind when I talk to people who just seem be perfect - not as a person, but aesthetically. It's just beautiful to watch them. But I know for a fact, that some of those practice the art of talking.
So, if you are an actor of life, where does your personality go? You don't "act" naturally anymore, so it's not really your personality you are showing the rest of the world, but little moves that you copy from some person you saw on tv.
Maybe it's like selling your soul. You give up your personality and naturality, but, you get to be admired for your beatiful gestures and stuff.
Yeah, that's so cool...
Saturday, September 02, 2006

If you're weird, have style and are totally into the awsome world of magic and wonders, you have to see the HBO series "Carnivalé". Google it, buy it, watch it and then cry when it's finished after the second season. For the guys: Adrienne Barbeau. I mean...and otherwise cool actors and a lot of sex.
Just check it out. (Now).
Sunday, August 06, 2006
More Quotes of funnyness
Spike (for all the unknowing: Spike is a vamp)
'I have finesse! I have finesse coming out of my bottom! I can completely lie to the health inspector. I can, you know, distract him with coy smiles, and, and bribe him with money and goods.'
'Yeah, what I really need is emotional therapy from the evil dead.'
Buffy (sarcasme, my friends)
You are not, by any chance, betraying your secret identity just to impress cute boys, are you?'
'It's not a date, it's a caffeinated beverage. Okay, sure, it's hot and bitter like a relationship that way, but.' Willow
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Beowulf and Grendel

Beautiful landscapes, good actors, intense story and wonderful fantasy right out of the 10th century A.D.
The great warrior Beowulf is called to help the King of Daneland to defeat Grandel, the troll who kills his men. But Beowulf, being more than a mean killing machine, wants to find out want is behind Grendel's mission of revenge. With the help of the local witch, he uncovers the bloody past of the Dane's king and the troll...
Gerard Butler plays Beowulf, the Geat warrior, and you really buy it. He has shown his talent as the Phantom of the Opera as well as the traitor in Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life.
The whole thing seems very real. The dialogues make sense and seem possible, there are no ultimate bad guys, that are responsible for everything bad on earth anyway, and the costumes are good too. I'm no historian, but as long as not all the Norse folk have helmets with horns on them, I'm satisfied.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Buffy Quotes

'When he is around... it's like the lights dim everywhere else. You know how it's like that with some guys?'
'Don't make it sound like something you'd flip past on the Discovery Channel. Becoming a vampire is a profound and powerful experience.'
'I used to punish people like this when I was a demon. I made them double-check spreadsheets for all eternity.'
The pants that wouldn't die

Today I considered the possibility that I during the night, I had fallen in some kind of wormhole that transported me into another dimension or timeframe. I was in the city, minding my own business, when this woman sat down on a bench across of me. Not only was she wearing a indigo jeans jacket with light blue jeans pants, but her hair was cut in a semi-short bob with blond mèches in it. For I minute there I thought I was in the nineties. It was horrible. I mean, I heard of temporal regression of the fashion sense in the suburbs (meaning that in the suburbs, people are behind in time when it comes to fashion or even going backwards) , but this was like an episode of Twilight Zone. I looked around and discovered a Johnny Depp alias Jack Sparrow poster, which told me I was still in the 21st century.I can tell you, it was a relief. I'm not sure if I could have handled living in the nineties again.
Still entagled in the thoughts about the fashion crimes of the nineties, a pair of dying pants walked by me.(Of course they didn't walk all by themselves, a woman was wearing them). They were cut and bruised all over. There were places where the jeans had been meanly sliced, and places where someone had made the colour go away by rubbung them against a rough surface. Again and again they had been soaked into poisonous liquids, that robbed them of their once so royal blue.
I knew who had done that, because the sicko who was responsible had written his name on the victim in big letters: Armani. What kind of a sick person does that to a pair of jeans? I know, there are a lot of them out there, who do this to innocent jeans every day. But ask yourself, how sick do you have to be to pay for that? And not a little sum. No, you pay for an artwork there. The loon who does that sees himself as an artist, and art has it's price.
Those jeans are marked for life, living with scars that will never let them forget. Every day, they have to fight, they have to be strong, because if they aren't, they will die. They will burn.
I admire them for their strenght, and curse the wrongdoers who commited those horrible crimes.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Pumpkin Trends

Emily Strange is one of those concepts that I suppose are created for people with the need to set themselves appart from the crowd. You want to show you're different, and weird, and that you probably are a lot deeper than others. You probably are. But what happens, with those cute little concepts, is horrible. Like Jack the King of Halloween from "Nightmare before Christmas", they are abused. Some people, who think it's neat, buy it cause it goes real well with that outfit they bought (and because the cool chick from the other class has one too). So the whole point (there we go again) is kinda lost.
Well, if you really think most people are followers and don't really know why they say, think and wear the things they say, think and wear, then you shouldn't really be offended by the abuse of weirdness and geekyness, but in the end you are, cause even though you don't care what other people think about you, doesn't it piss you off that you could be taken for some stupid chick who doesn't even know who the *&%? the skeleton guy on her bag is?

I am a person with a good and weird sense of humour. So I wanted to share the very funny things that brighten up my day sometimes with the readers.
What you definitly should check out is and
It's terrific. But I'm not sure everyone gets the terrificness of it...
And then I thought I'd give you some funny quotes from one o fmy favorite series, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". So there we go...
"You know, people underestimate the value of a good ramble." -- Buffy
"Maybe Buffy unplugged the phone."
"No, it's a statistical impossibility for a sixteen- year-old girl to unplug her phone." -- Giles and Xander
"Well... When I'm with a boy I like it's hard for me to say anything cool, or witty, or at all. I - I can usually make a few vowel sounds. And then I have to go away..." -- Willow
Sunday, July 30, 2006
The Point

Although, if you believe in something greater, that created us and that lets us be as we are, meaning, on one side distructive but on the other side capable to great emotions, there must be a point in being just a "little (wo)man". There must be a point recreating and loving and feeling and then dying. And there always is a point in learning, right? Maybe not a cosmical point, but a I-burned-my-hand-so-now-I-know-fire-is-bad kinda point. They tell us you make mistakes to learn from them. Maybe the point of life is making mistakes. Hmm.

Summer never really was my favorite season, but this year it really is killing me. Aren't people worried that it's getting warmer every year? I actually read that Bush put a woman in charge of the environement protection who doesn't believe in climating change and the melting of the icecaps. That's comforting, really.
People get crazy in this heat. You can't be in the city for longer than a few hours before getting really tired. And there are dead fish in the lake. That just not a good sign.
I recommend that you stay inside, but icecubes in your tub and stay in there with a good book. That's the way you really cool down...but get out of the tub when you can't feel your limbs anymore.
The First
You are always waiting for something to happen for the first time. And when it does, depending on what it is, it is great or terrible, but in any case, you're not waiting anymore.You're not wondering anymore, what it might be like...
This being my first post on this blog, I can tell you all about it. The moment I will push that button saying "post entry", a part of my heart will go cold. Some people might say it doesn't count, because I have another blog, and I have posted articles on it for a long time now. But I'm telling ya, it's not the same.
Anyway, I'm alway happy writting, so the cold spot there doesn't really bug me.
What else? Well, I'm doing this cause I like to share my thoughts wth people and I love to brabble stuff that could be mistaken for philosophical thoughts. So, I welcome you, and hope you'll read me again.