Monday, November 26, 2007
Cold Feet
I feel like it was yesterday...Oh my God, I'm getting old!
Anywho, I'm sooo hooked on Heroes. Can't get enough. I love the twisted plots, the mystery, the weird characters...blessed be the writers and producers and the cast of Heroes.( Now that folks, is method acting. I play Brother Lorenzo in 'Romeo&Juliette' you see, so I kind of have to live the part!)
Monday, November 05, 2007
Post Halloween Recitation
Hope everyone had the bestest Halloween,
but I doubt anyone had better pumpkin pie
than I did.
The Facebook craze has taken a hold of me,
which is bad. I think a have to go cold turkey,
I need to prove to myself that I can live without it.
Just kiddin', coz I actually aren't as addicted as certain
other persons I could mention but won't...
Does anyone of yous guys know Nikka Costa?
I like her, she's funky...
And who here can't get enough of Supernatural and Heroes?
Today I got screwed over by fate like five times.
It sucked. But I guess it happens to everyone every once in a while.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Prague: Pics of the Haunted City
At night the city felt very alive, like no one ever really goes to sleep there.
Well, pictures say more than a thousand words or something like that...There ya go.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am going to Prague next week! Prague, home of Kafka, Rabbi Loew's Golem and Dalibor...
Yeeha is all I can say...No, of course I can say a lot more, like, I can't wait. I've seen it in so many movies, and now I'm going to the paradise of horror-movie directors. The beer is supposed to be real cheap there too...
Well, I'll post photos as soon as am back.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Does Life Suck Periodically?
Monday, September 17, 2007
Well, please don't mind my mindless rambling, only the result of to much vine with dinner...But those who read this, and know that I mean them in only an instant: I love you. Have a wonderful week, be a bit emotional, it's fun (mostly).
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Super Hero Dating Quiz
I have...
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Programmable Soda

I am very much like programmable soda sometimes. But one constant in my life is Tori Amos. I've been listening her latest album (American Doll Posse) like all the time the last week (got it for ma b-day). It's amazing. She does this Sibyll thing where she has like five different personalities: Tori, Pip, Isabel, Clyde and Santa. They all have their quirks and ways, and their songs always have a certain groove. You can feel the personalities of the women through their songs, which of course is the whole point. What truly amazes me is that she uses the weirdest and most fitting metaphors to express her feelings about everyday questions and problems. Of course, every singer slash songwriter who goes beyond the "I love you/ You don't love me/God, I'm so very sad" routine, is refreshing, but the woman can paint a picture with words and melodies that are sometimes more alive than the real world outside. I've seen that woman live on stage twice now, and both times I've felt more alive and more like myself than before. I think everyone who has an interest in music that is not restricted to the radio or mainstream "otherworldly special" trash like those hundreds of thousands of Indie bands, takes some interest in the opus magnus of Tori Amos.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Jesus Ranch
Anyway, life is absolutely boring. I wrote the most moronic test today. A hundred and twenty words to explain how a human being can change. Max Frisch *ç%" turned in his grave. I heard him scratching at the lid of his coffin. Bloody academic need to turn every expression of human emotion into a goddamn questionnaire. I met a guy today who looked like Igor from "Frankenstein Junior".
I also felt the urge to hit someone, no idea why? Devils and Gods, eh...?
Apropos: I officially own the new Tori Amos album! I am a happy soul (well, the musical part that is). That woman is a genius and basta.
Has anyone seen the last E.R. episode? No one seems to watch that show anymore. Poor Neela, poor Ray.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Two things I looking forward to this autumn: the fashion and the movies. We here, behind the Alps, we get all the good-stuff much later than the rest of the world. But, after a while they legally make their way to us. Flicks such as "Hairspray", "Because You Said So", "Planet Terror", "Knocked Up" and many more.
Well I'm sure "Hairspray" is gonna be cute, and Diane Keaton is the deal when speaking of cheesy but good woman flicks, so "Because I Said So" will be okay. We all know "Knocked Up"-Star Heigl from Grey's Anatomy where she embodies Izzy Stevens, the beautiful doctor. I'm not sure whether this is a comedy doomed to be just a silly yawn, or if it will actually try to find an approach to the topic that is neither to cheesy nor to serious. "Planet Terror" we need to repeat mistakes of the past? I mean, in a way I get the fascination with the 70s world of B-Zombie movies that are to gory to like but too disgusting and silly to miss. So, I guess it can be fun if you're in a group and just want to enjoy some general funny violence. And, I admit that the cast looks pretty fun. Lost Sahid-actor Naveen Andrews, gotta love him, Freddy Rodriguez who plays Freddy in Six Feet Under and some small-timers we know from shows like Arrested Development. I just hope Tarantino will find 'imself a new corner to play with like, I don't know, Western or Science Fiction, something non-repetitive would be great.
Well, I hope y'all have fun at the movies, and with that,
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Somwhere something's happening
Well' actually there's always something happening in the world, even if we don't know it, see it or hear it: that doesn't mean nothing's going on. It's like the business with the tree in the forest, you know, if a tree falls in the forest, and there is nobody around, does it make a sound? We are so fixated on our sphere of perception, that we rarely think about things that happen in the rest of the world, do we? The news don't count, 'cause even though we see what happened at the same time we might have been drinking coffee or taking a walk with our dog, it's already in the past. Plus, the average consumer of media information blocks out most threads to reality so he can distance himself from whatever horrible thing happened. What I'm talking about is the awareness that somewhere else, in the exact same time, something is happening to someone else. Someone is doing something, like pouring coffee or dying. Why don't you give the whole awareness thing a try? Do this:
1. As soon as you have finished reading this, stop what you are doing.
2. Then, you have to think about what you've just been doing, where you are and who you are.
3. Now try to imagine a random person on a random continent doing something completely random. Example: A woman in Taiwan giving birth to twins in a crappy hospital.
4.Try to imagine what she's feeling.
5. Do this a few times a day.
6. Congratulations, you are now an aware human being.
You can also do it with famous people. Are Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis drinking wine in front of their fireplace, talking about what school Jack should go to? Is John Cusack looking for one of his socks? Is Jennifer Garner feeding her baby and wondering how Ben can forget his phone every goddamn time he goes out of the house? Maybe right now, someone is thinking about you.
Sadistic Statistic
Every 15 minutes, someone dies from an alcohol related collision. (3, 2,
Every 35 seconds, someone dies from cardiovascular disease.
Every 17 minutes, someone kills himself.
Every 6.5 seconds, someone dies.
And every second, 3 children are born.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Dead Like Me

George (Ellen Muth) is killed by a toilet seat from space (not an alien toilet seat, nitwit) that detached itself from the crashing Mir. She finds herself looking at her own dead self (or what's left of it) and has to come to terms with the fact that she's a ghost. But not for long. Rube (Mandy Patinkin) and Bettie, the friendly neighborhood grim reapers, come to her rescue and explain to her that she is to join the ranks of the reapers. Her job is simple: she gets a post-it from Rube at Der Waffle House which gives her the name, the place and the E.T. (estimated time) of someone death. Often these people are headed for really nasty accidents, so George has to extract their souls by touching them before they die. So, George goes tumblin' into the world of freak accidents and stupid universal rules, that tend to make her pissed at the the world, the cosmos and Rube. In time we learn more about her fellow reapers Rube, Roxy, Mason and Bettie (who will be replaced by Daisy Adaire) and about what reaping entails. At the same time the family she left behind has to deal with all sorts of troubles, like Reggie's (George's sister) new obsession with toilet seats and Clancy's (George's father) cold ways...
Brilliant characters, a perfect balance between the fantastic and the grey everyday life of a dead girl and interesting ideas. No doubt that over time you will become very fond of George and her manhandling, illegal substance abusive, gourmet friends as well as of her family. One problem you might have is the constant rumbling of your belly, because everytime they are at Der Waffle House, they eat the most delicious things. Which reminds me: I hadn't had breakfast yet.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: A review

Harry leaps into action at the very beginning, as he finally leaves the Dursleys and the Privet Drive behind. Everything happens at such an incredible speed, that one is overwhelmed with the amount of cursing and spellbinding our heroes have to do in the first fifty pages. Even the first tragic death occurs. Harry, Ron and Hermine take off to look for the Horcruxes, only to face perplexity and despair and mood swings, which are totally comprehensible. They learn of the lore of the Deathly Hallow,which sends them on a new journey and adds more pieces to the puzzle Dumbledore wanted Harry to complete. But the voyage of the (sometimes) three friends isn't fun and games at all, I think this is by far the most frustrating and difficult final adventure the three had to face. Because once their journey leads them to their final destination, the battle between the Voldemort's creatures and Dumbledore's Army is inevitable. There's a lot of dying and a lot just seems so unfair...but the pieces of the puzzle finally gather and everything starts to clear up. We learn Snape's story and of Dumbledore's plans for Harry. Finally, there is a the confontation between Harry and Voldemort, the last one. I'm not giving you the details, but it's very...intricate. Be sure that you are fully awake when you read the end. Don't rush it. It's a lot to take it. But it's very cool, especially the end. You'll see what I mean.
I admit, I had a bit of a head start, but anyway, I finished the book after a mind numbing marathon. I read till five in the morning on Saturday and got up early on Sunday to finish it. And it was awsome. I devoured every page, craving to learn what was to come next and wanting to get some answers to questions that popped up at the end of the Half Blood Prince. Instead there are even more mysteries, more riddles and more lies. But Harry does uncover the truth eventually, and when he does, your're in for a really grand finale. The great thing is, that when you're finished, you want to read all the books again, beause now that you know everything, certain details in the past become clear. Snape's motive's are revealed (I was so right!) and you get to see a whole new side of Albus Dumbledore. What I wondered though, is how they plan to make it into a movie. The story is filled woth crucial details. I can't think of anything that can just be left out, like in the previous movies. I doubt that there is going to be a double feauture, but honestly I'm really curious about how else they are going to do it. But I hope you enjoy. My tip: buy a lot of cookies, prepare tea for about one and a half days, get a blanket, some cushions, make sure you're not disturbed, and Potter away!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Shrek the Third was fun. More slapstick, less plot for kiddies, but otherwise rather funny. I think Dreamworks Studios have like a G.D. department (Gag Development). Actually, it's just a room, filled with comedians, thinking up lines and funny alliterations. There are different kinds of comedians. There are the ones in G.R. (Gag Research), those in G.F. (Gag Fitting; they need to find the fitting moment for every joke) and then there are the G.D. (Gag Developers), who are the kings of the humorous posse. They are so smart and witty, that they come up with super funny jokes nobody ever thought of before.
What a load of crap...don't blame me. Blame the time, the heat, the Nazis...those guys did everything wrong and it's their fault anyway. Again with the bull...ay.Sorry.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Free Willy
Monday, July 02, 2007
Times of Goody
I was at another wonderful Tori Amos concert. I don't think that there is any musical artist who can radiate that much brilliance...I love her. She's a genius. Ans she's sooo pretty. Her outfits are usually very cool too...
After the concert at was at a party. I have never ever heard a worse DJ in my life. I mean, there's still some time to, but...ay. Remember the DJ from Actually Love at Keira's wedding? Same thing, just with Drum and Base. If I ever see that guy again, I'll kick his butt.

Thursday, June 28, 2007
No context whatsoever (words, words, words)
This is what happens when you're trying to get 2000 English words into your brain which have zero context.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
What goddess are you?
You Are Artemis! |
Brave, and a natural born leader. You're willing to fight for what you believe in... And willing to make tough decisions. Don't forget - the people around you have ideas too! |
How sarcastic are you?
You Have Your Sarcastic Moments |
While you're not sarcastic at all times, you definitely have a cynical edge. In your opinion, not all people are annoying. Some are dead! And although you do have your genuine moments, you can't help getting your zingers in. Some people might be a little hurt by your sarcasm, but it's more likely they think you're hilarious. |
Could you pass 8th grade science?
You Passed 8th Grade Science |
Congratulations, you got 7/8 correct! |
What superhero would you be?
You Are Elektra |
There's really no superhero with more style than you. Because who could beat being sexy assasin ninja? |
How does your Intrapersonal Intelligence rate?
Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Score: 77% |
Your Intrapersonal Intelligence is High You have a great understanding of who you are, and your place in the world. You know what path you're on. And you are excited about your future. You're always deepening your inner knowledge and introspection. And enjoying it every step of the way. |
What animal were you in your previous life?
You Were a Cougar |
You are a great leader who has dominance without ego. You are wickedly cunning and off the scale confident. |
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Anita says...
"My god, you mean you've only had two hours of sleep. Do you want to shoot me, or what?" I didn't answer the question. I'm not that rude. - Monica, Anita
People are supposed to fear the unknown, but ignorance is bliss when knowledge is so damn frightening. - Anita
Had to see. Had to look. Might find a clue. Sure, and pigs could fucking fly. But still, maybe, maybe there would be a clue. Maybe. Hope is a lying bitch. - Anita
Monday, June 11, 2007
If you think you know someone, think again
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Fracture (40)
But last Wednesday I watched a thriller. I never go to the movies to see thrillers. I just don´t. But I did. Me, myself and two friends went to see Anthony Hopkins (and Ryan Gosling) being reeeeeally smart. Being the horrible person I am, I expected general shallowness which a touch of good acting. So there I am, wondering where Anthony Hopkins is from (Scottland? Wales?) and realize: hey, this is actually a good movie! There was a plot, good actors, a cute guy, good dialogues and even subtlety! I was positively surprised. I might even review it.
Now to something completely different: Did you know that there s gonna be a Beowulf movie? AGAIN? Gerard Butler did a great job being the norse superhero, he really did, and now Hollywood decided "Hey, someone not us made a good movie! Let´s do the same one again just with more budget and celebs and WORSE!". Anthony Hopkins, Angelina Jolie blablabla...Just pisses me off.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
It's like, uh, a quote, ya know.
Walter Sobchak: Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.
The Dude: Let me explain something to you; I am not Mr. Lebowski. You're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
Maude Lebowski: What do you do for recreation?
The Dude: Oh, the usual. I bowl. Drive around. The occasional acid flashback.
The Dude: Hey careful man there's a beverage here.
Walter: Am I wrong?
The Dude: No, you're not wrong.
Walter: Am I wrong?
The Dude: You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole.
Walter: Okay then.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Coffee With Two Sugars and A Soul Please
So, don't call me Bree. I've spent my week being boring and not doing any of the things I told myself I had to do two weeks ago. So I'm back to normal, meaning I read and watch TV instead of cherishing the gruesomely sunny weather. The balance of the Universe is restored.
Question: Why are they only two kinds of Starbucks baristas? There are the super friendly ones who are made of like 40% water and 60% coffee, and then there are the really grumpy ones. If you don't tell them what you want exactly 0.3 seconds after they've greeted you in that morons-like-you-bore-me tone, they just give you that icy glare. I mean, why can't there be like medium nice baristas, and extra nice baristas. That way, my chances of not feeling guilty after needing like 1.2 seconds to decide what I'll take, would be a lot slimmer. And I'd be more inclined to tip. I wonder if being a Starbucks barista is a crappy job. I totally dig the fact that you spend like eight hours a day around coffee. (You see, I like coffee, I wanna marry coffee...). How much does a barista earn? I'd be like the greatest Starbucks barista ever. I could be so phony the fake friendliness would be oozing out of my ears. Just kidding. I would, of course, be friendly out of the pure goodness of my heart (for which I am known...). Maybe you lose you soul if you've worked at Starbucks long enough.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Call Me Bree
Personality Disorder I
***You May Be a Bit Borderline...***

Your mood swings make a roller coaster look tame!
When you're up, you're a little bit crazy...
And when you're down, your whole world is crashing
Scary thing is, these moods can change by the minute!
What Personality Disorder Are You?
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Mrs. Fantastico
Kitty (short for Mrs. Kitty Fantastico), for instance, is a very strange cat. Since our other cat Miou-Miou suddenly jumped her and tried to kill her, she lives in my room. She's a good roomie, you know, never leaves a mess, I never find any empty beer cans lying around and she's quiet most of the time. But the other day, I woke up in the middle of the night and there she was, sitting next to me, just staring at me. She didn't move. Her yellow eyes were fixed on me and I felt like she had something to say. I have no idea what, though, coz I don't speak cat, but I think she was trying to scare me. She's probably trying to get rid of me. She also does this thing, where she gets up and leaves as soon as I get near her. Or when I'm in the shower, she starts meowing, like she needs to get in the bathroom right that moment or she'll pee in my shoes. But I'm not budging. I even thought about some payback for all those times I got out of the shower with shampooed hair just to open the frigging bathroom door for her: I'm going to get up in the middle of the night, when she's sleeping and I'm just going to stare at her. I'll make some noise so she wakes up and sees me, staring. Vengeance will be mine.
"You can't help that. We're all mad here." - The Cheshire Cat
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Song of the Week

First performed by Fleetwood Mac, this song has been covered over and over by numerous bands
from the Smashing Pumpkins to the Dixie Chicks. It was featured on the album Fleetwood Mac.
This is one of my favorite songs ever. I love the version by Fleetwood Mac, but I also like Tori Amos' and the Dixie Chicks' versions. Even though it's the same song, the interpretations very different. The Tori Amos version makes is so quiet and peaceful that I feel like I'm standing on a snowy hill, contemplating my life. The Dixie Chicks version is very warm and, well, they just have amazing voices. I think this song was/is very personal for Stevie Nicks. Getting older and realising that life goes on are things we deal with on a daily basis. This song reflects this.
Other songs by Stevie Nicks or Fleetwood Mac which I like a lot are "Crystal", "Little Lies" and "Gypsy".
Check it out:
My Band
I'll have a drummer chick called Paco, a bass player called Lou and who has peroxide blond hair, a guitarist called June who's obsessed with Samuel L. Jackson. (Lou can also play the saxophone). Of course they can all sing. I'm not sure what the hell we'll be playing, but we'll think of something. Some jazz I guess, some punk, lil' bit of everything...I'll see you at our first gig.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Song of the Week

"Wuthering Heights"
This song was released 1978 and was a total hit. Kate Bush was soon established as one of the top music artists
Kate Bush is special, and so is her music. That, and because I love Emily Brontë's masterpiece "Wuthering Heights", I chose this song. Kate Bush can do so much with her voice. First time I heard this song, her voice kinda scared me. But actually it's amazing what she can do with it and at the latest when she goes "Heathcliff, it's me, Cathy..." I get carried away.
Other songs I really love from her are "Babooshka" and "Moving". Not only are the lyrics moving, but the melodies just get me. She's not conventional and nothing short off brilliant. She reminds me a lot of Tori Amos, which might not be a coincidence.
Check the clips out:
Don't You Tell Me

I don't think listening to music is anti-social. While the Bangles were singing just for me, I watched the world around me go on and on. Not only did I feel like I was in a musical, but I noticed how people are different when you aren't really listening to them. Either they just ignore the fact that you're not hearing a word they're saying, or they give you that look that's supposed to tell you that they want to tell you something and that you should take those wretched headphones off. I just smiled back derisively and nodded my head rhythmically (or so I hope) to Tenacious D's "Tribute". Just so you know: they don't like it. But hey, do I care? Do you?
Music also changes the listener. While listening to the Jam's "A Town Called Malice" I felt like dancing on the table. Alisson Krauss singing "That Kind of Love" made me want to curl up in a corner and cry. That all happened within five minutes.
Do you know how some people say that listening to the wrong kind of music can make you commit suicide? Usually they mean stuff like Death Metal and so on. I must agree, that there is music that makes me feel suicidal. But that's stuff like Britney Spears or Paris Hilton. Listening to that kind of music feels like a hand groping around in my bowels. I just want it to stop, so a bullet would be appreciated in a moment like that. But really, statistics showed that Country fans have the highest suicide rate. Is Willie Nelson the Devil? Marilyn, you're off the hook.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Song of the Week

"Stand and Deliver"
This song from Adam and the Ants was released in 1981 and is a typicall New Romance song. New Romance was pretty in between 1979 and 1982. Adam and the Ants started out as a New Wave/punk/post-punk group, but evolved into a pop band. I can't say that I like everything by the Ants, some of their songs are downright awful. I suppose it depends on what you are looking for in the music.
The reason I chose "Stand and Deliver" is a) Adam Ant (alias Stuart Leslie Goddard) is one amazing looking man (or was) in those leather pants and with those tons of make-up on, b) the whole neo-romantic style is kinda cool and c) the song really gets you going. Adam Ant uses his voice in that deliberate off-key way, which gives him a "Do I care?"-attitude. Plus: I can't help it, but the 80s...hmm
Watch the video on YouTube:
Saturday, March 03, 2007
16 Going On 35

The educated teenage girl has seen "Sex and the City" and knows what expects a woman in the world of relationships in her mid-thirties - thanks to Carrie Bradshaw and co. Now, even though our thirties lye way ahead of us, we wouldn't have expected to be faced with the same dilemma than the four fabulous women: When the hell are we supposed to have children? Do we want to get married one day? Are our parents' values worth anything in the world of tomorrow?
Regarding question number one: Let's say I want to go to a university and then have a job I actually like. I will probably want to get somewhere with what I do and have a better than reasonable salary. Someday I'll want to travel the world. Am I going to have Junior between studying and my great job? Will I be a working mum? Or do I want to have my baby after I got the Oscar for Best Director? Wait, I'd have to win it before I'm forty, because that biological clock doesn't stop ticking my friend. And hey, when am I going to find the partner who will play the other major role in the process of procreation? Timing...
Problem number two is, that we don't really know what marriage is supposed to do for us anyway. For some marrying might just be a sign of true commitment from their men. But what's that worth when divorce is man's emergency brake? Or is marriage what you do when you want to have kids? That's not really a problem nowadays, except maybe in places where the no-pre-marital-sex thing is still very in. I guess every person has to find the meaning of matrimony by/for himself...

Thursday, February 08, 2007
Right know I hope I can make you smile...
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal."
- Oscar Wilde
"If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you."
- Oscar Wilde
"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to."
- Dorothy Parker
"Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place."
- Billy Cristall
"I know nothing about sex because was always married"
- Zsa Zsa Gabor
"Well, evil just compounds evil, doesn't it? First, I'm sentenced to a computer tutorial on Saturday. Now I have to read some computer book. There are books on computers? Isn't the point of computers to replace books?"
- Cordelia
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Tissue Schmissue Issue

I think science is wonderful. It means that man is trying to understand the world around him. Sometimes I even ask myself how a human being can survive without knowing how everything around him works. We live in this world - shouldn't it be our priority in life to understand it?
This week all the 10th and 11th graders have to work in groups on scientific/medical topics. MY group has the to work on the topic "Tissue Engineering". It's a method with which you can make organs grow artificially. It sounds very sci-fi-ish, but believe you me, it ain't. Because we don't look at mice with ears on their back or people whose kidney has been grown outside of their body. No. We get to read boring papers and ask boring questions about boring things.
The only entertaining thing is the bickering of my co-pseudo-scienteers(who are all women). I hate group projects. I really really do. I always end up doing all the work. This time, I kinda sat back and enjoyed the show. Everybody wants to take charge. So I don't have to. Yey!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Lame Rocks
Heroes (TV show)
Random (or maybe not) people are discovering newly gained powers. They do not know each other, but soon their paths cross. Their destinies are linked. But how? That's just what they want to find out...

Just amazing. Makes you want super powers like the ability to fly, or walk through walls etc...The storyline(s) is intriguing and the actors are just perfect. The development of the whole thing and of the characters is actually believable. Believe me when I say that it is very much worth watching!
A lot of sex and violence, which conveys the watcher the ambiance of the time and place. It’s thrilling and works you over.
Spartan (novel)
The story unfolds around two brothers, two sons of a Spartan family. One has a lame foot and is abandoned by his father who is forced to do so by Spartan law. He is found by a shepherd who belongs to the race of the Helots, once proud people who have been enslaved by the Spartans. He grows up to be a warrior himself, even though he is never told of his true provenience. The other becomes a proud warrior of
This tale takes you on a historical and emotional journey. Not only does the author create scenery that sends you back time, but he lets room for interpretation and keeps enthralling you with an epic plot. Plus, this story incites one’s interest history. You might even learn something…
Sunday, January 07, 2007
The Covenant

For women: These guys are really cute and very well-built. And you get to see (almost) everything of the sweetness.
For men: The chick has a shower scene! Plus, she lives in a dorm with her friend and they are mostly walking around in their really small pajamas.
For all: Nice fight scenes, a lot of eye candy (apart from the cuties) and a moderately intelligent storyline There are a lot of spiders, though. All in all really not bad, the only problem is that you could do the same in an average "Buffy" episode. But if you can, do watch it, just for the immense amount of half-nakedness.
To Cool For Winter

The grey days are cool, though. There's a breeze, which sometimes is even warm (is that good?). I feel like I'm back in
But mostly, I just freeze my not that small behind off. I was in the city, when I saw this chick wearing, like, nothing. She had a mini on with a really inefficient panty hose underneath and was wearing ballerinas. And the jacket she was wearing wouldn't keep you warm in summer. I was wearing a winter coat that probably keeps you warm in space and about three layers of T-shirts and sweaters.
Honestly, how do these chicks do that? Do they take some kind of arctic-fish-cold-resistance-powder pills? Or are they like yogis and just ignore the cold with their unbelievable mental powers? Or maybe they have some Russian ancestors?
It's just amazing what people do just to be cool. I mean, I'm a vain person, I don't deny it. And occasionally, I do make sacrifices for the sake of coolness or whatever. But with like -5°C outside, I budge. I don't give a damn about how fat I look in those eight sweaters. Girls just wanna be warm. Yeah, right.