Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Discovery Most Foul

The stench of my own betrayal is clogging up my nostrils (as well as all the muckus that I've been producing thanks to that lovely flu I caught) as I have discovered that in the last three years combined I have written less than half of what I wrote in 2008 alone. And I believe that it is less of an issue of quality vs. quantity and more of a sign that my authorial sloth has reached it's peak. I am sabotaging myself, and it must end.

So, no more, I say! Hereby I swear that I shall write more in this glorious year of 2011 than I've ever written in a year! Ha, if that isn't a formidable expression of a young woman's resolve invoked by the beginning of a new year, then I do not know what is.

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