Monday, April 13, 2009

White Pride: Are you kidding me?

I stumbled over the Ku Klux Klan website tonight, and am still in a state of shock. Shock at the outrageous amount of stupidity (and I'm sorry, but there's just no other way to put this) which hits you in waves on that website. A bunch of so called good Christians has united to spread their moronic justifications for being bigoted and backward on the internet.

First thing I did was skimming over the "Requirements" section. What exactly do you need to do to be a member? Well, the "one requirement" is that you be a good Christian who lives his life as an "honorable, decent, dignified white [person]". When join the ranks of the Knights Party, you at first attain the rank of a page, then of a squire and finally of a knight, depending on your enthusiasm, support and action. Meaning: How many books can you sell, how many brochures (which are probably as eloquent as all the other texts on the website) can you distribute, and most importantly, how much fear and hate can you spread? How many equally idiotic SOBs can you convince that blacks are taking away you jobs and your women, or that gays secretly want to rape your skinny white ass? Give it your best shot, and I'm sure some dumb f… will buy your shit. (Pardon the language, but wow am I pissed! And not in the British way)

Then I listened to a couple of seriously disturbing women discuss important issues such as the Webster's definition of marriage (they are of course appalled that it includes same sex couples) or Family Guy. I got it when one of the women said that responsible parents shouldn't watch that show with their children, because most of the time it's really disturbing (horse sperm in the baby's cereals). On the other hand, if you have half a brain, you know that you're kid shouldn't be up at 8 p.m. watching TV or Family Guy (or Fox channel in general, for that matter!) anyway, so don't get upset at the creators of the program but at dimwits who thought they made good parents. One of them says that if such programs are prime time TV, then their children will sneak off to their rooms and watch it. HOW ABOUT NOT PUTTING A DAMN TV IN YOUR CHILDREN'S BEDROOM?

But of course, they do attack the creators (badly researched, by the way). "They like to have programs that mock Christians." Really, you think? Christian are a bunch of people who believe that some invisible guy is peeping at them all the time and counting the cookies in the forbidden cookie jar; and should Billie and Bobbie have eaten any of the forbidden cookies, they're going to fiery hell, while all the kids who behaved go to the magic place where unicorns make ice-cream magically appear and you can eat junk food all day without getting fat. Generally they all behave like animals, just as all humans, because they love sex and food and all that stuff just as much as the next guy. But every now and then, they can pretend to be better than the rest because they can cite a book written by old frustrated men a gazillion years ago. Criticizing Christian is absolutely justified nowadays, because we know better than to believe every crap laid in front of us. Rational thinking people have any right to criticize any religion, because they are what keeps the modern world from becoming a civilized world.

Then one of the women said, "if you ever saw old recordings of people in all parts of the world burning books, it wasn't because they were against free speech, but because it was garbage." You mean like the Nazis? Yeah sure, when they burned anti-nationalist manifests or Polish libraries it wasn't because they wanted to subjugate free thought, but because it was trashy reading material.

Then they go on criticizing TV for educating their children about sex. Either you don't let your kid hang out in front of the TV 24/7 and control what s/he's watching, or you accept that you kid will pick up stuff that belongs to the grown-up world.

The most preposterous statement was made about Teen Magazine, which features an "article" about crushes, illustrated by the teen romance in a movie between a white boy and a – wait for it – Mexican girl! Gosh, now ain't that just the darnest thing: an interracial relationship. In their eyes, this is of course ruining their children's spiritual and intellectual (?) welfare.

Any halfway decent, non-racist person just has to wince at the thought that these people procreated. At that point, you can't really blame the children for become little (and literal) spawns of evil.

I mean, apart from the fact that these women are not actually capable of seeing the irony and the (sometimes) intelligent criticism of modern society in shows such as Family Guy, they are telling people that everyone who has a different opinion wants to destroy their values and the values of American society in general. They are so far away from any humanist principle ever established, I think we would do them (and us) a great favor if they were shoved through a wormhole, right into the middle ages. At least their poor children won't be corrupted by evil TV producers there.

Why, I ask you, should anyone be proud of the white race? What is it exactly, as a race that makes us so much better than the rest? When I hear and see people like that, I lose hope. And I thank whatever forces are responsible, that my parents aren't mindless, intolerant, superstitious zombies.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Spawns of Evil

Are children assholes because of their genes or their upbringing? In both cases the parents are to blame. Either they didn't listen to their bodies telling them that their propagation would result in an unfortunate genetic mix, or they are simply not able to teach their children how to behave like a decent human being. (Does this imply that they don't know how to be a decent person themselves? - Maybe.) Now, if you consider how many in-duh-viduals you meet everyday that you would categorize as "not really that decent", it kind of gets you thinking about people's general ability to pick a suitable partner for procreation or to convey the knowledge all of us need if we want to function in society without annoying the beejezus out of everybody.

Still, this doesn't really help you when you're faced with a child you can only classify as a spawn of the Dark Prince himself (although I'm pretty sure dear old Lucy's probaly got a greater sense of decency and child-raising skills than most humans!) . You want to blame the child, but belonging the "decent" category of people, how can you do possibly blame a child for its parent's mistakes? That's just wrong, right? One way out would be to resolve to a) hate the parents for unleashing this force of evil upon the creatures of this earth, b) forgive the child for its behavior and loving it as the innocent creature it really is (totally Buddha/Jesus like) and c) not degrade oneself to be petty by behaving like the/a child. OR you do exactly that, thus relieving yourself of the pain of being the adult and being a super-saint, which, if we are all honest with ourselves, is exactly what we want to do.

The only problem is that these little demons of the fiery dominion can be cunning little monsters. By lowering yourself to their level you are tempted to make childish remarks. Remember that they themselves may have certain powers of humilitation and provocation - so you shouldn't forget that you ARE and adult, and that you can use your knowledge to outsmart them. Your mantra: Have faith in yourself and you will be able to vanquish this unearthly evil.
Important: make sure that the parents can't catch you. The kid may tattle, but that is not enough evidence to get you nailed. Be swift, be cruel.

Should you choose to be the bigger person (which you probably are anyway), that's fine. You can always comfort yourself with the knowledge that YOU know that your smarter and faster and meaner than any little kid. But can you really sleep at night?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Buddha Tivisattwa

I find myself to be in an odd mood. (Now there's a funny combination of words 'odd mood', just look at those letters, trying to confuse you and whatnot...Off topic, I know.) I feel neither very productive nor really lazy. I just am. Have I reached a higher plane of existence? Am I to return to this terrestial plane so as to help others find enlightenment? All you need is a big TV screen, in front of which you try not to fall asleep, while watching a Sandra Bullock comedy after having read two chapters on the relation between semantics and psycholinguistics. I'm going to be Tivisattwa, Buddha of TV Induced Wisdom and Peace. I bet I'll look just dashing in one of those shawly thingies.

Friday, January 02, 2009

100th Post: A List of Awesomeness

So, here we go again. Good to know that humanity as such still pretty much just sucks. Freaking people and their oh so righteous wars. I suck too. Didn't squeeze in that 100th post in 2008. Booh me. But let's not dwell on things past - let's move on to brighter things. Such as...

MILK. Milk is such a wonderfully delicious thing. Soooo tasty. And it's a constant. We've always liked milk, we've always drunk milk and we always will. Milk makes the universe a better places. Everything can suck, but one glass of milk can make things just that tiny bit better. Helps if it's served with a cookie. (This is not to offend or ostracize lactose intolerant people. Soy milk rocks.)

OJ. Is there anything better than a good ol' glass of OJ with your breakfast. Even Dracula couldn't turn down a freshly squeezed glass of orangy goodness. Looks totally awesome if you put some blood in it too - like a sunset.

BEDS. Beds are great. You can sleep in them, which is like one of my favorite pass-times. You can do slightly more straining but also more fun stuff in them. You can just chill and read a book or write on your laptop in them. You can take a really good look at the ceiling. The possibilities seem endless.

ICE CREAM. I love McLachlan's song "Ice Cream"...Your love is better than ice cream, better than anything else that I've tried. (To that special person out there: so true...) But still, ice cream is like the greatest invention. You can never have enough. People who don't like ice cream are just downright weird. And not in a good way.

So that's my list. Okay, I forgot an important one...LOVE. Hands down the most amazing thing in the universe. (I know, it's cheesy, but hey, I'm just a sucker for love.)